Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Caesar's Column

Hey my name is Jorge Cosme and I'm from ENG 195 at LaGuardia Community College. I'm writing about the theme of the class, violence and art.

This book, Caesar's Column becomes more and more interesting. In this book we get to read the experience of a new comer to New York. At first everything looked marvelous, and he, Gabriel, is fond of how "pretty" New York looks with all its lights and streets.  He quickly discovers how corrupt the city is, and the division in social classes that stand strong. This system of the rich staying on top and the poor struggling on the bottom leads Gabriel to a character that is very intelligent, book smart and street smart.  Throughout the book, we follow the venture these two characters face in order to rescue an young innocent woman, of course of white skin, from the prince who is going to make her, his sex slave. Throughtout the book if you do close reading, we see repeated words, such as hunger, revolution and secret society, that relate to people having power. This strategie of close reading is very important in order to identify themes that even relate to order books that I'm reading in class.

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